Mario is a little like E.F. Hutton. When he speaks, I listen.

Mario Murillo Ministries

On election day morning, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Something you are not expecting is going to happen tonight. But do not fear, because God has a surprise for all of you.”
Then I watched as Fox News prematurely announced that Biden had won Arizona. It felt like sabotage.  Then Georgia, and Pennsylvania stopped counting votes.  It threw everything into confusion. That confusion is right now reverberating across America. Many of God’s people are dismayed.
Then I remembered the chaos that God had warned me was coming in November, and I realized, this is it.
I too was shaken, until I remembered the promise I had received this morning, “But do not fear, because God has a surprise for all of you.”
Why did this happen? It happened because Satan wants to rob the church of her destiny, right at the finish line.
Why did God allow…

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About hisfool

I am a pilgrim on a journey, one which I pray leads to the day when I stand before the throne of God and hear "Well Done!" Along the way I have encountered good times and bad, been wounded and healed, fallen only to rise again. It does not make me any better, but perhaps, it makes me a little wiser and I pray a little more compassionate.
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